We are in solidarity with the UUA and a multifaith coalition as they sue the Trump administration to stop ICE arrests at houses of worship, defending immigrant rights and religious freedom.

Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

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National Justice-Building Conference Calls: Refugee Justice

November 10, 2015

Want to learn how you or your congregation can help Syrian refugees? Concerned about Central American mothers and children being traumatized by U.S. family detention facilities?

Join these conference calls to learn what you can do!

Call 888-585-9008 and use conference room #609-185-545.

Central American Mothers and Children in and outside of Detention

Thursday, November 19, 3:00–4:00 p.m. (EST)

Hear highlights of UUSC’s new mental health report documenting the abysmal care women and children receive while in detention. Find out how you can help these asylum seekers as they create new lives for themselves here in the United States. You will receive the latest advocacy updates and learn about vital needs from experienced local service providers.

Guest speakers:

  • Rachel Freed, Vice President and Chief Program Officer, UUSC
  • Amber Moulton, Researcher, UUSC
  • Jonathan Ryan, Executive Director, Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES)

The Syrian Refugee Crisis

Thursday, December 3, 3:00–4:15 p.m. (EST)

This informative briefing will cover current advocacy opportunities and provide an overview of the resettlement process. You’ll also hear about the pressing need to create a more welcoming environment in the United States for all Muslims, regardless of their immigration status.

Guest speakers:

  • Rachel Freed, Vice President and Chief Program Officer, UUSC
  • Jen Smyers, Associate Director for Immigration and Refugee Policy, Church World Service
  • Laura Griffin, Program Coordinator, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
  • Catherine Orsborn, Campaign Director, Shoulder to Shoulder
  • Ranwa Hammamy, Ministerial Intern, Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church

Questions? E-mail Pamela Sparr at psparr@uusc.org. 

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