“Justice for Juan López”: UUSC Condemns Murder of Honduran Human Rights Defender

Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

Pacific Rising:  A Convening on Loss & Damage

Leaders throughout the Pacific converge to build power and strategize for the future.
Pacific Rising

October 11 – October 14, 2023 | Lautoka, Fiji

Rising to the challenge of climate change.

While our world warms and our oceans rise, leaders throughout the Pacific continue rising to reverse the effects of climate change. At Pacific Rising: A Convening on Loss & Damage, faciliated by the Pacific Climate Warriors, the main focus for the attendees will be network building, information sharing, reflections and evaluation, and strategizing for loss and damage financing implementation. This gathering will build upon conversations many of us had in June 2022, at The Pearl Resort in Pacific Harbour.

What To Expect

At Pacific Rising this year, you and other grassroots leaders and activists from UUSC partner organizations throughout the Pacific will have the space to deepen your relationships, share mitigation, adaptation, and regenerative techniques, and to strategize your approach advocating loss and damage funding at the next UN Climate Conference (COP28). Join a site visit to see how your neighbors are responding to the climate crisis, and contribute to the future branding of Pacific Rising.


Who Will Be There?

We anticipate about 40 people from 13 organizations this year. Will you join us too?


Plan to Attend? Please Register Below!

Please send questions or additional information to Lis-Marie Alvarado (lalvarado@uusc.org), +1 (857)-972-6858.

Pacific Rising: A Convening on Loss & Damage is hosted by the Pacific Climate Warriors, with financial and logistical support from UUSC. To learn more about any of the organizations in attendance or to make a media request, please contact Mike Givens (mgivens@uusc.org).

Important Logistics

  • Stipend: Each attendee will receive $100 USD for daily expenses. All meals will be provided during the convening.
  • Attendance: A maximum of 2 representatives per organization will have their costs covered. Organizations can choose their representatives.
  • Suggested Attire/Community Visits: The convening will primarily be indoors with two site visits outdoors. There will be a community visit to two traditional villages in the Ba Province in Fiji that will involve travelling in rough terrain, being in direct contact with community members and seating for a prolonged amount of time in vehicles and in community facilities. This will require comfortable footwear, proper attire, sunscreen/hats. All attendees will be expected to respect the community’s traditional protocols while in the villages).
  • Travel Reimbursements: We are offering 100% reimbursement for flight costs. However, flights need to be paid for by the individual organization first and will then be reimbursed by UUSC. Attendees should plan to arrive on October 11 and depart on the afternoon/evening of October 14. Complimentary transportation will be provided to and from the airport on these exact dates. If attendees plan to arrive earlier or stay longer, they need to make their transportation arrangements. The flight will still be covered, and hotel accommodations are booked for the duration of the event.


Attendees are required to:

  • Proof of COVID-19 vaccination
  • Take a COVID test provided by UUSC upon arrival
  • Masking indoors is recommended but not mandatory 
  • Self-monitoring and isolation, if necessary
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer provided by UUSC
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash, washing or hand sanitizing afterward
  • Disinfect personal items such as cell phones and laptops
  • Practice physical distancing whenever possible
  • If you become feverish or coughing onsite, please stay in your room and notify the UUSC staff- we will provide a COVID-19 test. If you test positive, you will return to the event until a negative test result is obtained. Lautoka Hospital and clinics are nearby.