We are in solidarity with the UUA and a multifaith coalition as they sue the Trump administration to stop ICE arrests at houses of worship, defending immigrant rights and religious freedom.

Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

The Struggle for Human Rights and Transformation in Honduras

A Faith Delegation’s Observations

The news media has been dominated by reports of a caravan of thousands of people migrating from Honduras to the United States in October 2018. President Trump has viciously threatened this caravan with military action at the southwest border and has marshaled resources to stop these migrants from entering the country.

But why are thousands of people making the treacherous journey north from Honduras to the United States? UUSC, in partnership with SHARE El Salvador and in collaboration with the Sisters of Mercy, participated in a delegation to Honduras to bear witness to social and political dynamics that have contributed to civil unrest within Honduras as well as a mass exodus of civilians from the country.

This delegation heard numerous testimonies of government abuse and greed, torture, human rights violations, rape, force displacement, and the dehumanization of large groups of people.

The Struggle for Human Rights and Transformation in Honduras: A Faith Delegation’s Observationsis a gripping, heartfelt narration of the atrocities inflicted upon the Honduran people and highlights not only the callousness of the nation’s government in perpetrating these human rights violations, but also indicts the United States for its complicity in helping to create this violence. 

You Can Have an Impact

There are many ways to support migrant justice, including in your community, at the border, or those in the caravan seeking asylum.

Besides the report itself, below are links to a number of resources to help you understand not only the conditions Hondurans are living in, but also what you can do to help and what UUSC is doing to provide support.

Video: Testimonies of Human Rights Violations in Honduras

Informational Resources

Additional Ways to Get Involved

  • This year, UUSC’s longest-standing fundraising and educational program for congregations, Guest at Your Table, focuses on migrant justice. Resources include a sermon about asylum, stories from along the migration route, and an interactive children’s activity