California Wildfires: An Equitable Response to Long-Term Needs

Боротьба з несправедливістю, просування прав людини

Уніатський універсалістський комітет служіння просуває права людини через співпрацю на низовому рівні.

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Рух за права жінок Фіджі


LOCATION: Suva, Fiji

Fiji Women’s Rights Movement is a Fijian organization supporting communities across the country in developing tangible policy solutions that address втрат і збитків. and climate-forced displacement through human rights and community-informed approaches. It does climate crisis education work with rural communities and is the only non-government organization in Fiji that provides a space for community representatives to discuss loss and damage financing and relocation issues since 2019. 

A few projects Fiji Women’s Rights Movement is working on are: 

  • Providing a water tank in a local village;
  • Repairing the seawalls and building footpaths in several villages;
  • Installing solar lights for three villages;
  • Relocating two villages;
  • Repairing infrastructure and homes damaged by climate change;
  • Upgrading the Vunidogoloa Village into a national heritage site; abd
  • Recording Indigenous/traditional knowledge, wisdom, and practices for building climate adaptation and resilience.

Джерело зображення: UUSC
