UUSC Condemns Trump Administration’s Attack on Humanitarian Aid

Боротьба з несправедливістю, просування прав людини

Уніатський універсалістський комітет служіння просуває права людини через співпрацю на низовому рівні.

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Tweet Your MOC: No funding to support racism and xenophobia

You’ve written, you’ve called, now speak out publicly against the border wall!

As Congress works to approve funds that will avoid another shutdown they are debating how much, if any, funding to provide for additional walls, border militarization, detention beds, and immigration enforcement agents—funding for projects that drive our families, communities, and our nation apart. We must remind them: There can be no congressional compromise that funds racism and xenophobia.

Public officials and their staff increasingly use social media to get a sense of public perception.  Let’s hold Congress accountable and encourage them to act against the president’s demands by making it clear our tax dollars shouldn’t support an unnecessary border wall, militarize our border communities, or fund increased immigration enforcement that will harm communities seeking refuge and safety. Start by entering your information below so that we can match you with the correct state and district. Follow the prompts below to send a tweet urging each of your legislators to deny funding. You can personalize any of the tweets before sending.
