Боротьба з несправедливістю, просування прав людини

Уніатський універсалістський комітет служіння просуває права людини через співпрацю на низовому рівні.

Monthly Donations

equality bahamas

Become a Keeper of the Flame

With your monthly support, we can expand our work defending rights in humanitarian crises, supporting economic justice, defending civil liberties, and promoting environmental justice. Keepers of the Flame are vital to our work.

Keepers of the Flame provide UUSC with an ongoing, reliable source of support throughout the year, enabling a swift response when human rights are suddenly in crisis. Thanks to your pre-authorization of these monthly gifts, we save on administrative costs as well — making your support go even further!

Sign up online

You can become a Keeper of the Flame immediately by scheduling monthly donations with our online form. Your monthly donations will be drawn from your credit card account.

Sign up via mail

If you prefer monthly donations to be drawn from your bank account, or simply prefer to mail your credit card information to UUSC, please download the monthly pledge form below, print, and mail to the following address:

689 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139

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