The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.
By Rev. Mary Katherine Morn on November 21, 2018
Your support, your encouragement, your commitment, and your love make it possible today for UUSC to respond to families fleeing violence in Central America. With our partners, we are there to greet parents and children with the assistance they urgently need to claim their rights and live in safety, with dignity.
The path of justice has never been smooth or easy — yet together, our interconnected, global family of members, grassroots partners, congregations, and activists collectively rises above the chaos reported each day in the news cycle by responding eye to eye, hand to hand, heart to heart.
We wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving by celebrating you! Please take a moment to check out this one-minute video and see firsthand what a difference your support makes.
Thank you for doing all that you can to contribute to this powerful movement for human rights. This holiday season, I give thanks for the vital role you play in our UUSC family.