We are in solidarity with the UUA and a multifaith coalition as they sue the Trump administration to stop ICE arrests at houses of worship, defending immigrant rights and religious freedom.

Боротьба з несправедливістю, просування прав людини

Уніатський універсалістський комітет служіння просуває права людини через співпрацю на низовому рівні.

← Ініціативи

UUSC Sunday

On Justice Sunday—occurring each spring—Unitarian Universalist congregations come together to take action on one pressing human rights issue.

UUSC Justice Sunday is an annual spring program which provides an opportunity for Unitarian Universalist congregations to come together and collectively act for human rights. This year we’ll explore how UUSC’s history of international justice work and defying fascism shapes our current partnerships for global solidarity. 

Please earmark Sunday, April 7 on your calendar to hold a UUSC Justice Sunday service in your congregation! 

UUSC Sunday Worship Service

Please make a gift here.

Make a Gift

Donations help UUSC join with over 60 grassroots organizations to bolster community-led human rights initiatives around the globe. Make a gift to UUSC Sunday through our secure donation portal.

To donate by mail, please make checks out to “UUSC” with “UUSC Sunday” in the memo field, and send to: UUSC •  PO Box 808  •  Newark, NJ 07101-0808

What is UUSC Sunday?

An annual spring program for congregations, UUSC Sunday (also known as Justice Sunday) complements and continues Гість за вашим столом, which offers congregations a broader look at UUSC’s mission and programs. To order UUSC Sunday donation envelopes or other UUSC print publications, or to ask a question about how UUSC can support your congregation in taking part in UUSC Sunday, please contact Rev. Laura Randall, Director of Development for Congregation Relations, at congregations @ uusc.org.
