UUSC Condemns Trump Administration’s Attack on Humanitarian Aid

Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

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Federation of Neighborhood Organizations in the City of El Alto/La Paz

April 14, 2008

The Federation of Neighborhood Organizations in the City of El Alto/La Paz, Bolivia (FEJUVE) is a nonpartisan, participatory, civic organization made up of 600 neighborhood councils that promote equality and social justice in the town of El Alto, a small suburb of La Paz, the capital of Bolivia. UUSC works with FEJUVE on advocacy for the human right to water in Bolivia.

In El Alto 68 percent of the people live below the poverty line and 45 percent have no access to potable water. The FEJUVE secretary general was appointed water minister by President Evo Morales, who declared that Bolivia will no longer allow privatization of water services.

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