UUSC Responds to Gun Violence at Rally and the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

Support #HaitiAct

Ask U.S. Senator Robert Menendez to move the Assessing Progress in Haiti Act forward.

It’s been 4+ years since devastating #Haiti earthquake. The time is now to pass Assessing Progress in #HaitiAct ! – See more at: http://www.uusc.org/haitisocial#sthash.IgKFIaji.dpuf
It’s been 4+ years since devastating #Haiti earthquake. The time is now to pass Assessing Progress in #HaitiAct ! – See more at: http://www.uusc.org/haitisocial#sthash.IgKFIaji.dpuf