The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.
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Here Are Some Trashy Statistics
By Eric Grignol on July 10, 2017
Originally posted on The Good Buy blog.
Following up on our previous post about United By Blue reaching its inspiring milestone of collecting 1 million pounds of trash from U.S. waterways check out some infographics that illustrate the scope of the problem of plastic waste in rivers and oceans and the impact of efforts like the volunteer cleanups that your purchases make possible.
What can you do to lessen your impact on the world’s waterways? United By Blue asks us to join them in these three things:
- Create less waste. Be mindful of eliminating single-use items from your daily habits and be sure to recycle and reuse.
- Come to a volunteer cleanup. Check out the upcoming schedule and sign up!
- Buy responsibly. All products require raw materials and energy to produce, so investing in sustainably made items and reusable goods can go a long way in reducing waste.