UUSC Condemns Trump Administration’s Attack on Humanitarian Aid

Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

Black Lives Matter to Wisconsin UU’s: Greater Milwaukee Metro Area

Project Goal

To develop a collaborative social action network for Black Lives Matter with with active participation from the six UU congregations in the Greater Milwaukee Metro area, based on sustained and sustainable commitment, with at least five congregations involved in public witness, educational engagement, and significant participation (visible presence) in local racial justice efforts/organizations by September, 2017. Milestones on our way to success include:

  • The presence of sustainable structures to hold the congregations together.
  • Reports that individual congregations have participated in at least one or two witness events.
  • Establishment of an Rapid Response Network to help with immediate needs around racial justice.


  • Four congregations in greater Milwaukee area are actively participating; core collaboration planning group is developing into an open and effective team. The fifth congregation will become more involved again when new minister arrives in late August.
  • Held two very successful Beyond the Banner Workshops and witness events attended by 100 people and 60 people respectively. Great newspaper coverage of first workshop.
  • Increased awareness of BLM2WUU’s as partner organization with local grassroots justice organizations.
  • Initial outreach to other denominations and ally groups to increase our effectiveness in local racial justice work.

Read the full project update here!