“Justice for Juan López”: UUSC Condemns Murder of Honduran Human Rights Defender

Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

Minimum Wage Graphics, Videos, and Sample Tweets

Please share these graphics, videos, and sample Tweets to raise awareness of the need to raise the minimum wage!

Faith Friday

These materials are specifically intended to support the coalition effort on April 4, 2014, to raise a moral voice for the minimum wage.



Sample Tweets

  • “Our concept of justice holds that no person who works should be impoverished.” -Nat’l Council of Churches of Christ, 2000 #RaisetheWage
  • “The Torah instructs us to treat workers with justice.” -Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1999 #RaisetheWage
  • “When you hire, compensate the workers and treat them fairly.” -Prophet Muhammad #RaisetheWage
  • “Fair wages are not only an economic or legislative imperative, but a moral one.” -John Wertheim, 2005 #RaisetheWage
  • “It is immoral to ask people to work full time but pay them so little that they remain mired in poverty.” -Rev. Rebekah Jordan #RaisetheWage
  • “Paying your employees well is not only the right thing to do but it makes for good business.” -Costco CEO James Sinegal, 2004 #RaisetheWage

More Minimum Wage Communications

