We are in solidarity with the UUA and a multifaith coalition as they sue the Trump administration to stop ICE arrests at houses of worship, defending immigrant rights and religious freedom.

Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

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New Year’s Resolutions: 5 Things You Can Do to Support Justice For Immigrants

As we celebrate a New Year, here are some things you can do to lift up those exercising their human right to migrate.
Immigrant justice freedom

By Jessica Sapalio on January 3, 2024

Having made the harrowing journey across the U.S.-Mexico border for the second time in two months, Angela* lay exhausted in a hospital with her two-day-old baby asleep next to her. She and her partner had fled gang violence in Honduras, leaving their beloved home, most of their belongings, and their extended family for the hope of safety in the United States. The day after she gave birth she received word that the U.S. government would not let them stay, despite the fact that they requested asylum—the borders were closed due to the pandemic and Title 42

The next day, after she was driven back into Mexico and left standing on a bridge right across the border with a newborn baby in her arms, she stood resolute that she would find safety for her baby and the opportunity to exercise her right to ask for asylum.

Angela connected with a legal aid organization, which worked with her to petition the U.S. government to allow them entry into the United States and then introduced them to UUSC’s Congregational Accompaniment Project for Asylum-Seekers (CAPAS). After working in solidarity with a UU congregation, the family has now moved into their own apartment, filed for legal asylum, received a work permit and started working, and developed friendships and connections in their new community. 

Congregations throughout the country are offering support to families like Angela’s. As we welcome a new year with hope for a world where all are treated with dignity and can live their lives in safety, we invite you to help build this world by making and completing these resolutions for migration justice.

  • Learn about the UUSC Congregational Accompaniment Project for Asylum-Seekers by visiting uusc.org/capas and reading through our handbook.
  • Listen to the CAPAS podcast series to hear more about the program, how it puts our UU faith in action, and experiences of people seeking asylum who have worked with our program.
  • Advocate for asylum-seekers’ ability to work in the United States soon after arrival by asking your member of Congress to support the Asylum Seekers Work Authorization Act.
  • Email us about organizing a local screening of the Seeking Asylum documentary, to raise awareness of the experience of those asking for safety in our country.
  • Talk with at least three other people in your congregation about what you can do in your community to extend welcome to immigrants, such as hosting an asylum-seeking individual through CAPAS or supporting a local migrant-led organization.

As you commit to and complete these resolutions, we would love to hear about it. Send us an email at capas@uusc.org to share the actions you took. Thank you and may your year be filled with connection, justice, and love.

*Angela’s name has been changed to protect her privacy.

Image credit: Shutterstock

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