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Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

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November 14, 2015

Statement from UUSC President and CEO Bill Schulz on the horrific tragedy in Paris: 

The brutal attacks in Paris remind us all of the fragility and preciousness of life. The hearts of every one of us at UUSC go out to the victims and their families as we rededicate ourselves to causes of justice, human rights, and peace.

As we continue to mourn the victims in Paris and in Beirut and condemn without equivocation the violence that has caused such suffering, UUSC calls upon all of us to resist the twin dangers of religious extremism and ethnic stereotyping. The only solution to the first is a faith that abhors violence and puts the worth and dignity of every person at the heart of its calling. The only solution to the latter is respect for human rights and an embrace of the common community of suffering. UUSC will continue to pursue its commitment to support of Syrian refugees in Europe and an increase in the granting of asylum here in the United States.

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