California Wildfires: An Equitable Response to Long-Term Needs

Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

Danna Gobel

Executive Assistant

As the Executive Assistant, Danna Gobel provides administrative and programmatic support to the President and Vice President of Programs.

Before joining UUSC, Danna was managing addiction-related trainings through Boston Medical Center, and interfacing with community health centers, harm-reduction practitioners, persons in recovery, and addiction specialists. Danna has been managing nonprofit and education programming for over 20 years. Her roots and heart are in Chicago, where she spent over 15 years managing programming through The Association of Theological Schools (ATS). In her surrounding Hyde Park community, she engaged in community organizing and co-founded a mentoring and tutoring program. Working with the young people and families in Chicago was one of the highlights of her life and motivated her to earn a social work degree. With her social work background, Danna has served as a trauma-informed clinician in community health centers in the United States and in Cairo Egypt. For three years, she contributed her skills in Cairo, including St. Andrew’s Refugee Services and Africa Middle East Refugee Assistance (AMERA), offering administrative support as well as clinical and psychosocial support to refugees from Sudan, Iraq, Ethiopia, and Eritrea.

In whatever sphere she is in, Danna aims to never forget the human factor and considers it an honor and privilege to hear people’s stories. She is committed to learning and unlearning practices that do not promote equality and inclusion. Danna holds a graduate degree in Social Work from Loyola University Chicago and a Graduate Diploma in Forced Migration and Refugee Studies from The American University in Cairo.