UUSC Responds to Gun Violence at Rally and the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

Emma Nyabisi

Participatory Action Fellow

Emma Nyabisi joins UUSC as a research fellow and will be helping the organization in research in different areas relating to human rights and international justice and accountability. She will be a fellow for one year.

Nyabisi is a human rights advocate and lawyer who has experience in law in Kenya; she is transitioning to global practice. She joined Northeastern University to undertake her master’s program in law and in the process she was awarded the Program for Human Rights and Global Economy Scholar Award for her internship at the Massachusetts Law reform Institute (MLRI). In Kenya, she has her practice and has volunteered in different organizations including One African Child Foundation, Legal Sister, and Young Women Leaders Connect. Her goal is to create transformation and ensure protection of human rights.

As she transitions to global practice, Nyabisi continues to advocate for the rights of individuals through policy advocacy and research. Her goal is to fully work in a human right’s organization, offer humanitarian assistance, and collaborate with others in research to develop evidence-based solutions to human rights and humanitarian needs. Nyabisi hails from a small town in Kenya known as Kisii. She is a licensed attorney in Kenya and she has held different leadership positions in various organizations including being a board member of Legal Sister and Young Women Leaders Connect.