Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

Morgan Delacruz

Advocacy Associate

Morgan Delacruz joined UUSC in April 2023 and supports the institution’s advocacy unit as the Associate for Advocacy. She manages logistics, finances, scheduling, soliciting proposals, advocacy work, organizing, and planning.

Morgan began career began working in the restaurant industry in Jacksonville, Florida. She moved to Central Massachusetts as she gained her experience in many fields, from women’s and mental health, period stigma advocacy work, natural disaster, homelessness relief, and political affairs through volunteer work and internships in non-profit organizations. She went on to become a case manager for a non-profit organization in Massachusetts, helping people who face developmental, mental health, and other life challenges. She continues to raise her voice so that others can raise their own. She has a passion for her work, volunteering, and her podcast, “That’s Not Enough.”

Morgan continues to educate herself and others about the world through her platform regardless of how big or small it is. She completed her associate degree at a community college in Jacksonville, Florida in International Relations & Political Science. She is currently an undergraduate at Framingham State University working on her undergraduate degree in Communications and Diversity Studies. She is also planning to get her graduates degree at Boston University in International Relations and Human Rights & Social Justice.