California Wildfires: An Equitable Response to Long-Term Needs

Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

Rev. JeKaren Olaoya

Justice Education Associate

Rev. JeKaren Olaoya is the Justice Education Associate for the UU College of Social Justice, providing administrative and program development support, which she brings with her from Unitarian Universalism and the nonprofit sector.

JeKaren is a lifelong UU religious professional with a multi-faceted background. She has provided consulting services to congregations, assisting them in building anti-oppressive systems and is also the author of “All the Pieces Fit: A Book of Collage Poems” and “Opening and Closing: Words for Creating  Everyday Sacred Spaces.”

JeKaren holds a Master’s in Divinity in Chaplaincy from Starr King School for the Ministry, a Master’s in Nonprofit Leadership and Management from Arizona State University, and a Bachelor’s in Art and Sociology from Mercer University.