The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.
The Potential and Power in Our Interdependence

By Rev. Mary Katherine Morn on July 26, 2018
In my new role as president and CEO of UUSC, I have spent time listening to UUSC supporters who share a deep passion for protecting human rights and have grave concerns about how to adequately respond to the injustices so many in our world currently face.
Many I have spoken with have affirmed what I believe so deeply: each of us has the ability to make our shared world a better place. But, when the problems are large and the need is great, it’s easy to grow discouraged. In these moments, I find hope in the values and ethics that underpin UUSC’s mission.
We need each other to survive and thrive
Our shared work to advance human rights is rooted in our belief that all people have inherent worth and that we are interdependent, indeed dependent upon one another for our survival. Because of this, we can and are making a difference when we lean into that interdependence and honor the inherent worth of every person.
Every day at UUSC, we witness the transformational power in our interconnection – in meeting eye-to-eye through respectful grassroots partnerships, in connecting heart-to-heart to lift up one another’s fundamental human rights, and in mobilizing hand-in-hand with human rights defenders to challenge oppressive policies.
The possibility of a larger impact
I’m coming to UUSC at an exciting time. The organization is more focused and determined than ever to address some of the most complex and persistent issues facing us today. Just as injustice is adaptive, our response to it must be strategic, intentional, and agile. Just as the abolition of slavery did not prevent racism from continually showing up in new forms, systems of oppression adapt and evolve to match the landscape we’re living in, both nationally and internationally. While staying true to the core principles that have driven us for nearly 80 years, UUSC will continue to meet the needs of people who are oppressed.
As we at UUSC grow stronger in our efforts to change unjust systems and uphold human rights, our supporters’ thoughts help shape our work. We are grateful and inspired by their reflections, care, support, and dedication to partner with us.
I look forward to continuing discussions about how all of us will engage eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart, and hand-in-hand in defense of human rights and human dignity.
Photo by Mark Coplan