Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

Heather Vickery

Coordinator for Congregational Activism

Heather Vickery is responsible for developing and maintaining relationships with UU congregations, State Action Networks, past College of Social Justice program participants and regional staff in order to expand engagement in UUSC and CSJ’s work.

As the Coordinator for Congregational Activism, she manages workshop offerings, leads the CAPAS (Congregational Accompaniment Project for Asylum-Seekers) team and serves as a bridge between the UUSC Development and Programs departments.

Heather is an aspirant to UU Ministry and student at Starr King School for the Ministry as well as an active member of the First Parish in Malden, Universalist and a core team member of the Boston Immigration Justice Accompaniment Network.

hvickery @