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Who Made My Clothes?

April 24, 2015

Today is Fashion Revolution Day. Today, people are challenging global brands to be more transparent by asking: “Who made my clothes?” It’s also a day of remembrance for the 1,133 people who were killed and the more than 2,500 people who were injured when the Rana Plaza factory complex collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on April 24, 2013.

The fractured nature of supply chains enables exploitation of the makers of our garments. Fashion Revolution is creating a global movement — now in 66 countries — to ask questions and raise standards in an industry that has long profited on the backs of workers.

Get involved today with these tips from Fashion Revolution:

  • Be curious. Find out who made your clothes — from who spun the threads, to who sewed them together, to who grew the cotton in the first place.
  • Join the conversation on social media: Take a selfie showing your label. You could turn your clothes inside out to make more of a statement. Tag the brand and ask: #whomademyclothes?

The more that people ask big brands for accountability, the more they will listen.

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