“Justice for Juan López”: UUSC Condemns Murder of Honduran Human Rights Defender

Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

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Now More than Ever

By on November 9, 2016

Many hearts are broken today. Not because of the loss of an election, but for the loss of hope that the darkness of fear and xenophobia—rampant and dangerous throughout many parts of world – would not prevail in the United States. But it did.

Now, more than ever, we need each other. We must tend to our wounded hearts.

But we must also focus, even more sharply than before, on our commitment to the deeply held principles and values that are now so relentlessly under siege—justice, equality, and human rights.

We continue to stand by these principles as we stand with those who are gripped with fear over what the election results could mean for them and their families. We must show them that they are not alone.

Today we have reached out to every one of our partners around the world who have been watching the election and now its result, with fear and frankly, as have many of us here, with bewilderment.

We are assuring them that we—and all of our members, friends, supporters, and allies—have never been more committed to them and to the values that are at the heart of everything that we do.

We also recognize that to have any chance of success we need everyone – everyone – on deck of the ship of hope and action that while listing, is anything but defeated.

It is important to remember that we who are privileged to be part of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee stand on the shoulders of extraordinary champions of human rights and human dignity. They have shown us that while there may be suffering and even unfathomable setbacks along this path – hope and the thirst for justice have extraordinary power. With your support, we will continue to unleash this power in the fight for the rights, dignity, and quality of life of the most marginalized.

We will soon be in touch about the next steps in the fight for justice, dignity, and hope. As we do, we want you to know how much your support and friendship mean and how deeply grateful we are.

While our hearts are broken, we simply cannot allow our spirits to be.
We cannot afford to shrink or even pause from the task before us.
That task is now more difficult, but it could not be clearer.

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