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Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

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UUSC 2022 Momentum Reflection

Join us as we reflect on how far we've progressed on the human rights building blocks of 2022.
CAPAS + Roberto

By Deanna Johnson on December 19, 2022

Every movement towards creating a just and equitable world is made up of smaller moments that result in immediate solutions to short-term issues. For example, building an Agroecological Sustainability Pyramid to educate a community on the fundamentals of sustainable agriculture is an important moment–it exists in a single community in the short-term by adding to critical community knowledge. When we zoom out to the bigger picture, we see that this moment does not stand by itself, rather it adds to the larger sustainable agriculture movement which spans communities, countries, and continents and which has been and will continue to be moving forwards for generations. 

UUSC recognizes that without these building block moments, movements cannot happen. We also recognize that a moment cannot live in isolation. In order to keep momentum, we all, as a global community, must continue crafting key moments that push movements forward. As the year draws to a close, we reflect on how UUSC consistently meets the moment in contribution to large-scale movements.

momentum 2022 graphic

One moment UUSC met this year was through the Congregational Accompaniment Project for Asylum Seekers (CAPAS) program. The program supports communities of faith as they host and accompany individuals and families seeking safety through the process of obtaining legal asylum in the United States. This year, one instance in which CAPAS met the moment was through its support of Roberto*, a Honduran man migrating to the United States. In 2019, Roberto came in contact with the CAPAS program when he met five UU congregants from Boise, Idaho while in detention after a harrowing migration journey. Through CAPAS, Roberto received legal, emotional, and livelihood support as he made Boise his home, and in April 2022, his case for asylum was approved! Learn more about his story here:

Through CAPAS, UU congregations around the country receive the framework and resources to continue meeting important moments that contribute to the just and dignified migration movement. By housing migrant individuals and accompanying them through the asylum process, UUSC’s CAPAS program helps keep momentum towards just migration so we can keep moving forward.

*Name changed to protect the identity and privacy of the asylum-seeker

To learn more about how you can support UUSC in meeting the moments that lead to movements, visit www.uusc.org/donate

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