We are in solidarity with the UUA and a multifaith coalition as they sue the Trump administration to stop ICE arrests at houses of worship, defending immigrant rights and religious freedom.

Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

New Threats to Palestinian Rights Emerge, Despite Ceasefire

Trump’s proposed occupation of Gaza is probably not going to happen—but it gives a green light to extremists who want to displace Palestinians from their homes.

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The UUSC Approach

UUSC members and our partners are making a difference around the world.

partner updates

Partner Spotlight: Tochán Sueños y Realidades, A.C.

Tochán provides material and legal support to people in migration in Mexico City, Mexico..

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Casa Tochan

Spiritually grounded activism

The UU College of Social Justice

UUCSJ provides educational opportunities for human rights advocacy

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Make a difference

Tell President Biden: Uphold the Human Rights of the People of Burma

Support the people of Burma by ensuring the Burmese military is denied access to weapons and are held accountable for crimes against humanity.

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Envoy Kerry Climate Justice