The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.
Support UUSC with Your Congregation
Guest at Your Table
Guest at Your Table is UUSC’s longest-standing fundraising and educational program for congregations. Donate to Guest at Your Table and affiliate your gift with your congregation here >>
UUSC Sunday
UUSC Sunday is a single day of learning, support, and action for congregations in the spring. Donate to UUSC Sunday and affiliate your gift with your congregation here >>
Congregational Liaison Program
UUSC congregational liaisons are core members of our network, connecting congregations to UUSC fundraising and advocacy opportunities. Volunteering their time and talents, these individuals strengthen their congregation’s collaboration with UUSC’s advocacy and activism staff, and maintain ongoing communication about opportunities with their congregation’s ministers and lay leaders. Learn more here >>
Honor Roll, Societies, & Awards
UUSC has no required membership amount for congregations. Instead, we recognize congregations whose members support human rights and social justice in a variety of ways.
Congregational Membership Support Honor Rolls
Recognizing congregations with exemplary levels of UUSC membership.
Creating Justice Society
Recognizing congregations in which 25% to 49% of congregants are UUSC members.
Vision of Justice Society
Recognizing congregations in which 50% to 74% of congregants are UUSC members.
Beacon of Justice Society
Recognizing congregations in which 75% to 99% of congregants are UUSC members.
Spirit of Justice Society
Recognizing congregations in which 100% of congregants are UUSC members.
Congregation Institutional Giving Awards
Recognizing congregations with exemplary levels of giving based on congregation size as well as overall giving.
James Luther Adams Award
Recognizing congregations that contribute a budgeted gift of $1 or more per certified member.
Helen Fogg Award
Recognizing congregations that contribute a budgeted gift of $25 or more per certified member.
Guest at Your Table Special Recognition
Recognizing congregations that contributed a total of $5,000 or more to UUSC’s work for justice through Guest at Your Table.
View our 2019 Honor Congregations (pdf).
If you would like more information or have any questions about supporting UUSC with your congregation, please contact Laura Randall, Associate Director of Development for Congregation Relations, at lrandall @