California Wildfires: An Equitable Response to Long-Term Needs

Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

Nearly 60 Faith-Based Organizations Tell Biden Administration: “Ukraine Isn’t the Only Nation in Need of Our Compassion”

United States has a “moral mandate” to ensure Haiti’s constitutional democracy is protected
Media Contact:
Michael Givens
Director of Strategic Communications
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Phone: +1-857-540-0617
Tradiksyon kreyòl anba a

Cambridge, MA—As human rights advocates and activists observe the United States’ questionable allegiance to Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry, a group of nearly 60 faith-based organizations have come together to demand the United States government re-commit to a strong democracy in Haiti. Most importantly, these organizations are asking that the United States support the Montana Accord, a collaborative agreement among Haitian civil society organizations establishing a clear and equitable path to constitutional leadership in Haiti.

The nation of Haiti is experiencing a political crisis rife with violence, corruption, and the displacement of thousands of people. In the wake of the assassination of former President Jovenel Moïse in July 2021 and a deadly and destructive earthquake in August, people of faith and conscience are calling on the U.S. government to help re-stabilize Haiti by respecting its constitutional democracy. Prime Minister Ariel Henry—allegedly involved in Moïse’s murder—has spent the last eight months attempting to keep himself in office, even going so far as to ignore demands that he step down on the last day of his tenure on February 7 and resisting pleas that he allow a transitional government to oversee the nation until elections can be held. 

As Henry becomes increasingly despotic and attempts to keep himself in power, the United States enthusiastically supports his leadership and comes dangerously close to endorsing an unconstitutional power play. In response, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) authored and shared a powerful letter to key members of the U.S. State Department and National Security Council to acknowledge, respect, and support the Montana-PEN Accord. Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, Lead Executive Officer and President of UUSC, issued the following statement: 

“The Montana-PEN Accord is a ‘ground-up’ solution developed by the The Commission for a Haitian Solution to the Crisis, a powerful group of civil Haitian civil society organizations offering a plan for the nation that reflects and respects the will of Haiti’s people. Now is not the time for political posturing or superficial platitudes. The United States is well within its rights to support a process that is rooted in Haiti’s constitution rather than the agenda of a career politician looking to enshrine himself in the country’s highest office. As the world sends its compassion, prayers, and well wishes to Ukraine, we cannot forget that 5,800 miles away across the Atlantic Ocean is a nation facing just as much violence, uncertainty, and instability.

“UUSC is proud to support the Commission and join with other faith organizations and leaders in calling for the Biden administration to listen to the people fighting for their nation and their democracy.”


The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) is a human rights and solidarity organization founded as a rescue mission in 1940 during the Holocaust. Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and with a membership of more than 35,000 supporters across the United States, UUSC’s programs focus on the issues of climate and disaster justice, migrant justice, and international justice and accountability. 


Pou Piblikasyon Imedya: 10 Mas 2022

Kontak Medya:
Michael Givens
Direktè Kominikasyon Estratejik
Komite Sèvis Inite Inivèsèl
Telefòn: +1-857-540-0617

Prèske 60 òganizasyon konfesyonèl di administrasyon Biden nan, “Ikrèn se pa sèl nasyon ki bezwen konpasyon”

Etazini gen yon “devwa moral” pou asire pwoteksyon demokrasi konstitisyonèl Ayiti

Cambridge, MA— Pandan ke defansè dwamoun ak aktivis  obsève fidelite Lèzetazini anvè Premye Minis ayisyen an, Ariel Henry, yon gwoup prèske 60 òganizasyon konfesyonèl reyini ansanm pou mande gouvènman Etazini an repran angajman pou yon demokrasi solid ann Ayiti.Sa ki pi enpòtan, òganizasyon sa yo ap mande pou Etazini sipòte Akò Montana nan, yon akò ki baze sou kolaborasyon ant òganizasyon nan sosyete sivil ayisyen an epi ki tabli yon chemen klè ak ekitab anvè yon lidèchip konstitisyonèl ann Ayiti.

Peyi dayiti ap sibi yon kriz politik ki chaje ak vyolans, koripsyon, ak deplasman plizyè milye moun. Nan kad asasina ansyen Prezidan Jovenel Moïse an Jiyè 2021 an ak yon tranblemanntè ki te fè anpil dega nan mwa dawou a, kominote moun ki kwayan, ki gen lafwa ak konsyans ap mande gouvènman ameriken an pou ede retabli estabilite Ayiti ak respè pou demokrasi konstitisyonèl li an. Premye Minis Ariel Henry—ki swadizan enplike nan asasina Jovnèl Moïse la—pase uit mwaki sot pase yo ap eseye kenbe pouvwa a, li menm inyore revandikasyon ke li demisyone  dènye jou manda l la  ki te 7 fevriye a epi refize demann ke li pèmèt  yon gouvènman transzisyon dirije nasyon an  jiskaske eleksyon ka fèt.

 Henry ap vin de pli zan pli despotik pandan l ap  eseye kenbe tèt li sou pouvwa a, Etazini sipòte lidèchip li ak antouzyasm epi li menm ta sanble ap pre andose yon jwèt pouvwa enkonstitisyonèl. An repons, Komite Sèvis Inite Inivèsèl (UUSC) la  te ekri epi pataje yon lèt pwisan bay manm kle Depatman Deta Ameriken an ak Konsèy Sekirite Nasyonal la pou rekonèt, respekte ak sipòte Akò Montana-PEN nan. Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, Ofisye Egzekitif prensipal ak Prezidan UUSC a, te pibliye deklarasyon sa a:

“Akò Montana-PEN a se yon solisyon ‘debaz’ ki devlope pa Komisyon pou yon solisyon ayisyen pou kriz la, yon gwoup pwisan de òganizasyon sosyete sivil ayisyen an, ki ofri yon plan pou nasyon an, ki reflete ak respekte volonte pèp Ayisyen an. Kounye a se pa moman pou politik devan dèyè oswa pawòl san fon. Etazini gen kòm  devwa pou li sipòte yon pwosesis ki anrasinen nan konstitisyon Ayisyen an olye de ajanda yon politisyen de karyè k ap eseye kenbe pouvwa a. Pandan monn nan ap voye konpasyon li, lapriyè, ak bon swè bay Ikrèn, nou pa ka bliye ke 10 mil kilomèt lòt bò  lanmè Atlantik la gen yon nasyon ki fè fas a menm jan de vyolans, ensètitid, ak enstabilite a.

UUSC fyè pou l sipòte Komisyon an ansanm ak lòt òganizasyon ak lidè relijye pou l mande administrasyon Biden nan pou l koute moun k ap goumen pou nasyon yo ak pou demokrasi.”


Komite Sèvis Inite Inivèsèl (UUSC) la se yon òganizasyon dwa moun ak solidarite ki te fonde kòm yon misyon sekou an 1940 pandan Olokòs la. Li baze nan Cambridge, Massachusetts, epi gen plis pase 35,000 manm ak anpil sipòtè atravè peyi Etazini, pwogram UUSC yo konsantre sou pwoblèm klimatik ak jistis nan sitiyasyon dezas, jistis pou migran, ak jistis entènasyonal ak responsabilize moun ki koupab de enjistis.
